Wednesday, October 21, 2009

An Update for Kristiana . . .

Looky what I found!! That's right. Limited Edition Peppermint Ice Cream.

And the Brownies are already in the oven!!

Friday, October 9, 2009

The 13 year old on Picture Day . . . . .

When I mentioned I was going to start a BLOG she thought it was a great idea. Then she asked for a nickname so that she wasn't publically humiliated by my stories about her. HAHAHA

This is the girl from "The Note" post. :) My oldest.


So, last night.

I was putting away the food from dinner (you know, while everyone else watched) and I saw a bright yellow sheet of paper folded haphazardly on the kitchen counter. I picked it up and started reading it. It was a note from the school that my 13-year-old daughter had brought home.

This was a SERIOUS letter that was sent home to ALL the middle school students.

As I started reading it I began to LAUGH hysterically (which of course, is totally inappropriate for THE MOM to do when the school sends home a SERIOUS letter to the parents).

The 13 year old ran over, snatched it out of my hand and crumpled it in a ball. AND I CHASED HER DOWN. Still laughing. And snagged it back. And ran over and read it aloud to her father.

Important Message For Parents and Students

"It has come to our attention that some middle school students have been giving each other and/or themselves, what they refer to as "titty twisters". Today, Ms. Diab has walked around to each of the middle school classrooms and talked with all students so they understand that the expectation is that they keep their hands to themselves. As explained to them this could be considered sexual harassment.

After today, if it has been brought to our attention that a student is not following the expectation, that student will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including Out of School Suspension.

Please talk with your child about this and help us keep students safe on campus.
Thank you,
Cortina Elem. Administration"

And her Dad just kept shaking his head while I laughed and flopped around laughing some more.

And my daughter kept proclaiming, "Its the BOYS doing it!" "They do it to each other" etc etc.

I replied, "Yeah, the boys DID that when I was in Jr High too (and actually, I was always horrified by the term "Titty Twisters" which is probably why I couldn't stop laughing now-23 years LATER!).

And as I write this I'm thinking:

Poor Ms. DIAB (whoever she is!?)!

And also, if they give THEMSELVES a "TT" is it still considered sexual harassment?

I'm just sayin.

Start a Blog Already!

I keep trying to think of something smart or witty to explain why I would write a blog. Yet nothing brilliant or witty is coming to me. How is THAT possible?! I know, right!?